-Muaz Ahamed Fathahullah-
This was again I was traveling from Beruwala to Colombo after finishing my 10 days Human Resource Development Programme. It was a train journey. Usually it takes 1 hour or little more to cross that distance. Although I was in a hurry, my friends requested me to join them in train without being alone in a coach.
Time ran fast, an hour. Still it was not passed the half a distance. I was restless. Nothing ran on me. Up to this I have enjoyed each an every train journey with my friends. But today! I don’t know what’s wrong. I just thought that it might because everyone was sleeping in our compartment, most of my friends as well.I understood that my mind trying to express something. But couldn’t define what it was. It was making me uncomfortable in that journey. So at least I couldn’t go for a nap too.
And also from Colombo I wanted to take another coach to Chilaw. So I knew that I had to travel another 2 ½ hour from Colombo. I was searching for the Station to get there soon just like a kid. But still I am in a half. Somehow I couldn’t wait until I reach home.
I was counting my hours!I just started guessing the reason for the big question mark raised on me. As time moves I found what it was as I got a reminder, I marked in my phone in that morning about a work to be done as I reached home. I set it to beep 2 ½ hour before the time mentioned for the work. That means, I hoped that I will get that reminder when I reached Colombo.
Hmmm. My problem was on time! But why? Because of what?

Soon I moved to my seat and took my memo pad which I used on last ten days to write my plans which I planned to implement and decisions which decided to carry out in my life after the camp. Those were on my own ideas according to my lessons which I learnt on those ten days. Oh no! I have written so many plans and decisions without my conscious; because that was the first time I made a total look on that pad.
Really it was the time I understood the real value of those ten days. “Human Resource Development Programme for Islamic Youth”. As I always say, I just felt relax on that time as I realized that the programme has developed me personally and shaped my thoughts in a correct manner.
It taught me about the control and what it means? It taught me about the leadership and to be a perfect leader.
It said me, what is time management? and how to manage the time?It showed me, what is a group work? and how to work in a group?
It made me to face challenges to introduce the real challenges. And also it taught me, how to face them?It quoted what is self development? and how to develop myself?
More than everything, it reminds me about, who I am? and why I am here in this world? What am I doing here? and what I want to do here? Why I was created? Are there any specific works for me? Which is my guide and way? How I should follow it? How I can implement the orders given?Like this, So and so much. Now I can’t imagine that was it really only ten days! Praised the Lord slowly with a deep breath.
I think now I don’t want to say why I couldn’t wait. Hope you all understood. Insha Allah, I wish to share my experience on those ten days with you in future and also hope to share my schedule on the month after the camp.
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