-Muaz Ahamed Fathahullah-
In the name of my Lord. Most Gracious and Most Merciful
I am Muaz Fathahullah. 19 years old student from Chilaw, Sri Lanka. This is my first official blog related to the first step of my life as a blogger.

Oh! what a surprise. His reply was on. He sent me couple of mails asking something about our magazine Trend. And also explained me what is blogging. As time passes he got that I am little bit familiar with blogs and blogging. He explained me a lot. And he gave me the guidelines too. To open a blogs spot. To publish my blogs. And so.
Really I don’t want to be a blogger in professional, but I like to enjoy blogging while I am being a student. Because I believe that I will be a refresh and also I will be a chance to express a student’s view on happening to the society.
When I was writing this blog while I was traveling from Chilaw to Colombo, I got a notification through Face book notifying about a past text of me. That was a comment. I just wanted to revise my text, because it was an old text. Oh! It’s really an excitement. That was a short blog related to a social issue. Same time I remembered some of my old text and links which I had posted on face book. Surprises again. I am not new to this world of blogs and blogging. Because the posts I made there were some of the short blogs related to several things. As I interested, those were on political, social and religious issues. Praised my Lord for a while and started writing my blog again.
As I wanted to enjoy blogging, I started my official blogging as an introduction about me and as to guide my friends who are trying to be a blogger.
By the way, when I am writing this blog I felt that it’s not only enjoying but also this has big deal on promoting some major issues. Also there have many risks too. Just a confident. Hmm. Let’s see.
Getting started.
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