Saturday, May 5, 2012


-Muaz  Ahamed Fathahullah-
“Two days of a Muslim can’t be same”. This Hadees of Prophet Muhammed is going to be the theme of this blog. Insha Allah. Also this is the Hadees which inspired me a lot.
Almost many of us in this modern world are living just as they were born and as they think that they were created to live. We spent our time as it passes us so fast. Our time line runs with the common activities as studying, working, and sleeping and so. They may think that they are doing something. Yep, logically they are; but spiritually they aren’t.
In addition to that we allocate time for the prayer as we are Muslims. And few of us allocate the time for read and understand the holy Quran, the guide. But only very few of us go more special to this as they realized that Islam is the universal religion and have to do a lot. May Allah bless them.
In my personal life I have met many varieties of people from nominal Muslims to qualified Muslims through Shariah view. To be frank I Am always jealous on top grade personalities who manage their life with many special works as I mentioned as very few. That jealousy is not for the bad. But from small I wish to be a multiple personality who could be agreed by the society in the name of religion. So I use to steal each and every attitude of a special personality whoever inspired me. For words my dad used to say that “those people work more than for 24 hours a day”.

In practice I found that it was not easy. So I decided to make it in order as “A new thing daily”. This is because the life should feel an improvement and it should face a change, If not its waste.
As I remember. A scholar said that “A day passes is a life time lost, if there’s no any improvements”.
A change; it can’t be descending too. Also it is so shame being without improvement and with negative approach. Really how can a person be like that? Copied days?
According to me a change is neither an accident nor luck. It’s a result of expectation on trying to be a multiple personality or just a special personality. Also can say as the result of an expected quality.
Throughout the last couple of months, since I have started my plan, realized that practicing or trying on a certain thing could make it real although it’s hard to top. For example, earlier I was not punctual on my duties. I always wait for the final minute. But now I am punctual enough to make my routine clear. Alhamdulillah.
I found this is possible because time management was a character I have scheduled to make in me through my plan. Like this many more too.
Really this type of practice makes strong in the path of Dawah, because on the same as we gain a quality, we also got to know how to gain and how to make it possible.
By the way it’s really interesting when making everything included in your life with extra ordinary and ordinary works other than your daily duties.
Just the thing is to remind the theme of the day in every action, what you have planned to practice upon the certain day. If it isn’t possible in a day no need to give up, just relax and go ahead with the same theme. This is what I am doing and many others doing.
Once a motive speaker told me like this. “Improving his living; that is life, if not its surviving” and asked me “hope you know what is the different?”  I believe that you too know that.
 “Verily Allah will not change the condition as long they do not change their state by themselves”


  1. Salam bro, once again i am filled with sunshine at your words and the honesty that shines through them...a very useful article and jazakallah for sharing....loved the quotes and hadeeth you put in there esp the 'a day passes is a lifetime lost' one! Great Job! keep them coming!

    1. Walaikumsalam sis. Jazakallah 4 u too. Insha Allah i'll be gng on as u all r with me sis. thnx again. bless u.
